Measuring the effectiveness of an Account Team and this way of working is often seen as a real challenge. Moving from a focus of simple hard measures like coverage and frequency to begin to assess the quality of engagements, rather than quantity of engagements, necessitates an entirely different approach.
Increasingly, more and more customers have been restricting access, demanding greater focus from Pharma on delivering value beyond the pill. This has pushed the need for Pharma to differentiate its engagements, away from repetitive messaging through detail aids and 'tell sell' scripts, to supportive conversations, based on local unmet needs, that utilise Pharma products and patient support services into co-created solutions to address the stakeholder's current challenges.
This more collaborative approach introduces new challenges for the performance measurement and governance of field-based Account Teams.
One of the key challenges for Pharma is the preference to apply a systematic approach, at scale, to the performance measurement of field-based Account Teams, where account strategies are tailored to the individual high-value accounts. Hence outcomes and the tracking of the progress of these outcomes need to take account of the agreed objectives set within the account plans of these high-value accounts.
Imonic build the capabilities of Account Teams to set their own KPIs. We use a proven tool and process to enable the Account Team to set robust KPIs based upon the individual objectives of high-value accounts, we call this a Triple-Win KPI Grid.
Using the KPI Grid we first of all take our objective (or tactic, if significant) and look at this from the perspective of the patient, the account and our organisation (hence: Triple Win). Taking the patient perspective as a starting point, we consider what success would look like, from a Patient perspective, if the shared objective had been implemented successfully, we then consider how the vision of success could be measured to validate its achievement, we then consider the KPIs that would demonstrate progress & achievement of the vision of success. We repeat this process from an account and Pharma Co perspective to complete the grid.
The value this brings:
Imonic then support KPI setting with a co-created governance framework to suit the various levels of activity (eg Account Plan Approval, Execution, Stakeholder Management, Account Team Working) for each level of the hierarchy involved within our client’s organisation, this usually comprises four levels